28th July 2005 : New Forest Show

It had been raining all week and so it was good news when the sun came out as we set off for the New Forest Show with Rangehill Rainbows End (Jimmy). We had to be towed through the mud into the lorry park and luckily found ourselves parked not too far away from the Carter family encampment. John Carter owns the milk float Jimmy pulls in light trade classes and his daughter, Sally Barlow, drives him. By midday, thanks to the sunshine and a roller, the ring was in good condition for the light trade class. As usual at the New Forest there was a large and strong class and Jimmy needed to be on top form to take first place. Three hours later we were back in the ring for the Light Trade Championship against the four wheeled vehicles. The ring was as flat as a cricket pitch and the slight give in the ground gave Jimmy the confidence to stretch out and storm round the ring and he never seemed to touch the ground. He won again and so qualified for the Supreme Harness Championship against the winners of all the driving championships. Judging was by a panel of celebrities who hold up cards awarding between one and nine points and the judges are strongly influenced by the response of the crowds around the ring. Jimmy was the last to go and with the sound of Benny Hill singing Ernie playing over the loudspeakers captured the hearts of the large crowd. Sally, ever smiling, was loving every minute of it as Jimmy covered the ground across the large ring better than ever. In the words of Horse and Hound, the pair brought the house down. The judges all shared the crowds enthusiasm and Jimmy was acclaimed the Supreme Harness Champion of the Show, was loaded with rosettes, a sash and a prize of 250 pounds.