30th October 2010 : October Cob Sales at Builth Wells

They said it was madness to hold the Ryder Cup in Wales in October because it always rains and it did! But for the last six years the sun has shone on the Cob Sales at Builth Wells, this year from 15 to 17 October. Another sunny weekend, meeting up with friends, over 800 cobs for sale and to admire and there are photos of one third of them in the Archive. The top price of 7,800 pounds was paid for Janton Philanderer, a successful stallion and performance cob, who is pictured above and 21 times in the Archive. Going through the catalogue after the sale to input the breeding details for the website the most frequent comment Aileen, sitting at the ringside, had written was BARGAIN. We are big fans of Gwynfaes Culhwch but it was well deserved that the word BARGAIN was extra bold beside the name of his son, Nantwood Firethorn, a beautiful chestnut foal, pictured below, who sold for just 380 pounds.