Profile : Janton Prince Llewellwyn


Esceifiog Heliwr
29570 Liver Chestnut 1987


Janton Flame
34120 Chestnut 1990


Janton Flight
75336 Chestnut 1983

Janton Prince Llewellwyn
49126 Palomino 1996


Llanarth Meredith ap Braint
8059 Bay 1969


Llanarth Rhoswen
50921 Palomino 1975


Llanarth Rhiangel
31222 Cream 1970



Janton Wallflower, Janton Welsh Honey, Penlangrug Donna Tella, Penlangrug Lady Delilah, Penlangrug the Duke of Hazzard